It is a parenting organisation for all the children. Department of Child is also established in every locality. There are three Office Bearers ‚Director, Secretary and Treasurer with committee members at the central and at the local level‚ Secretary, Treasurer and teachers with committee members in every locality. The department looks after the growth and development of the children. In Aizawl, Naupang Department Khawmpui (Convention) is held twice a year. Children enjoy competition, quiz, singing, special items etc. on this day. From 2013 onwards, prize distribution to successful students by the Education Wing which used to be held on Jerusalem Khawmpui has been rearranged to be distributed on Naupang department khawmpui. Children are the future of the church and the nation. Therefore, due care must be taken in the up-bringing and growth of the children effectively and lovingly. So that someday, they may become responsible citizens and church members.